Hampstead School

Hampstead School

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Fear Factor


Eww, yuck and gross was the sound of room 8 last Tuesday morning. In  the morning miss Lynch had told us to sit at our desk because we had a surprise but first we sang two songs and did the roll. There were 3 yellow bags on the 3 desks up front and 1 grey bag, 1 bucket and a red bag. when the first people went up I heard ''yuck, gross'' yelling,''eww, what is this and I think I know what this is''.

When it was my turn I had the bucket it was wet and we could not say what we thought it was. I was calm and scared then my turn was up we had to wash our hands. then we were done before you know it. Well I thought it was peaches and I was right and they we slimy I was surprised what there was like cous cous, brown sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds and oats.

I felt so happy when we were done :^)   BY KATELYN

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