Hampstead School

Hampstead School

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Technology in room 8

On a really odd morning well that's what I thought. Room Eight and I were starting to make a rain catcher to save water because we are using to much water for a lot of stuff especially for electricity. We started it in our classroom. 

Firstly my group( da unicorns) started to make something to catch water. Miss Lynch handed out some straws and one bottle to each group. We got 3 straws per person in our group. But before we started we had a chat about what we were going to do and we made a plan.  We grabbed the fizzy  bottles we had put a plastic bag over it and taped it on. We poked it with a sharp pen and it made a hole in it. Then we put two straws in it and tested it out it worked. We were really happy so we put cello tape on all the straws so that they would all stick together. And that's all we had time to do. On the next day our group brought a lot of bottles and Gemma brought a bucket. I thought to myself, "OMG I think we have a little to much things". Next week on the Tuesday we tested them out I was really scared that it wasn't going to work but it did. After we tested them out we went onto the field and tipped out all of the water. We  were a little angry with ours because couldn't get the water out as soon as it was in the containers. 
My opinion for next time would be to remember to make something so once we have caught the water we need a way of getting it out of the containers. 

by Tiger  

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